New spaces of emancipation


Pedagogy and politics: new spaces of emancipation
Seminar by Engin Sustam, guest researcher at Paris 8 University as part of the PAUSE program-National Program for the welcoming of scientists in exile
Department of Education sciences

2nd semester 2017-2018
Tuesdays from 12:00 to 15:00 | Amphi A2 (Espace Deleuze)
Paris 8 University
2, Rue de la Liberté – 93526 Saint-Denis


Kurdish movement and Rojava Revolution, Green Movement, Arab Spring and Squares Movement, Tahrir Square, Gezi Park, Nuit Debout, Syntagma Square, Maidan Square, Chiapas Movement, Vinegar Revolt in Brazil, etc. How do the spaces of revolt, insurrection, resistance on a global scale show a new subversive and creative subjectivity and micropolitics of emancipation in the making?
We will examine these new spaces of emancipation in two stages:
1. Spaces of insurrection and transformations of society,
2. Creativity of alternative pedagogies in these spaces.
The seminar follows a transdisciplinary orientation by linking approaches from the sciences of education, sociology, political philosophy and art.
We will problematize how the spaces of revolt, insurrection, resistance, call and generate knowledge of emancipation, and how the “alternative, self-managed” educational devices are implemented in these spaces, in the face of the hegemonic construction of the devices. institutional and state institutions, such as the University of Rojava, the Solidarity Academies in Turkey, the Zapatista Escualita, etc.
It is a question, initially, of questioning the creation of new knowledge of the emancipation by the actors of these spaces. Secondly, it is a question of understanding how these spaces promote the creativity of “alternative” pedagogies in society.
Alternative pedagogies contribute to widening the frontiers of the action of counter-knowledge, the sharing between societies, and between teachers and students. We notice throughout the world a movement of Ras–le–bol against the monetary, military, patriarchal and authoritarian system. A comparison of the times and spaces of emancipation and their different factors will allow microsociological analyzes of the languages ​​of alternativity.
