

Following subaltern, post and decolonial studies, the notion of decentering in the approach to the construction, organization, translation, transmission and reception of knowledge is renewed in order to both put to question hegemonic knowledge, but also to leave room for other logics and other knowledge, for new politics of the common.
It is particularly as a relational dimension that the notion of decentering proves to be the most interesting in terms of an efficient critique of neo-colonialisms and of the persistent divisions in globalization.
It affects the function of conceptualization, as inherited from a Western modernity locked in on itself. It is not only about questioning the conditions and frameworks within which we think, but also about doing things differently.
The notion of decentering thus indicates an exit from the usual problematic of the translatability of disciplinary fields into each other, and their productions according to logics of center and periphery, inviting us to focus our attention on what exceeds them.
We would like to propose during this meeting the exploration of the genealogies which presided over the elaboration of this notion, and its dynamics of renewal in the light of the current criticism of the dominant epistemologies. The interest is not to make a paradigm, but more simply we want to invite to re-enter its operational potentialities as much in terms of criticism as of creativity, when it proves to be necessary to redraw the fields of research and their questionings, in paying particular attention to its possible impact on the new thoughts of the social, the political and the criticism of knowledge.

January 12, 2017
12:00-16:30 | Room C103 (Building C, 1st floor)
Paris 8 University
2, Rue de la Liberté – 93526 Saint-Denis


  • Rada Iveković (CIPH / Terra): “National sovereignties and translation. Towards a cognitive justice. Decenterings in intersectionality”
  • Orazio Irrera (LLCP-Paris 8): “Decenterings, powers and narratives in Edward Said”
  • Valentin Schaepelynck (Experice-Paris 8): “Decenterings and institutional analysis in education”
  • Amir Kianpour (LLCP-Paris 8): “Non-synchronism as a mode of subjectivation”

Moderation : Béatrice Rettig (LLCP-Paris 8)
