Political studies in Palestine and Kurdistan


Political studies in Palestine and Kurdistan
Seminar 2016-2017
Paris 8 University
2, Rue de la Liberté – 93526 Saint-Denis


Political modernity has at the same time excluded other notions of politics than that where it was rationalized in the form of the State, in a division of peoples said to be stateless, also said to be without History, and the others and included as its margins the other possible versions of living together. This exclusion as one of the foundations from which the colonial and then the global order was able to develop and extend is constantly repeated in the scales of individual and collective subjectivities. With the critique of modernity emerges the question of a concrete universalism, and other notions of politics not devoid of contexts or points of view. Old and modern models of identities and of the political subject are questioned, in particular according to the point of view of ‘Stateless-Peoples’ living at the intersection of existing States, in contradiction with the logic of the ‘Nation-National’ of the nation-state, which has given rise to the inexhaustible production of an ‘Other’, many others, the most numerous others.
Our starting point will be found in traveling theories, where a conceptual chain is lacking (exiles, wars, and displacements, situations of subalternalisation in life, law, and language, separations), and in narratives where the enounciated and the enounciation cannot be disjointed, concrete expressions of forms of life, and of their historicity. Moreover, the conflicts that cross the Near and Middle East cannot be dissociated from the history of the Sykes-Picot agreements concerning Palestine and Kurdistan. It is also necessary to approach them from a broader analysis of the conditions of globalization, this other name for colonization, in its political, social, economic, etc. dimensions. It is from a questioning that is both political and epistemological that new forms of the political could be said. From there, this seminar will focus on the new forms of political action and the theoretical productions of the post-national, the genealogies of violence and the languages ​​of memory, the construction of multiple affiliations, the experience of borders, the politics of knowledge and translation.

November 17, 2016
12:00-16:30 | Room C103 (Building C, 1st floor)

  • Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun (Paris 7 / Institut des Humanités Medfil): “The State: from the colonial enterprise to the decolonial vision”
  • Éléonore Merza and Eitan Bronstein Aparicio (De-colonizer Laboratory): “Cartographies of Palestine”
  • Naji El Khatib (Medfil Institute of Humanities): “Stateless peoples and the legacy of Sykes-Picot”

February 16, 2017
12:00-16:30 | Room C103 (Building C, 1st floor)

  • Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun (Paris 7 / Institut des Humanités Medfil): “Political agency of women in the arab and muslim worlds”
  • Hamit Bozarslan (Director of Studies at EHESS): “Ibn Khaldûn and the question of violence”

March 2, 2017
12:00-16:30 | Room A070 (Building A ground floor)

  • Collectif Solidarité Femmes Kobanê: “Readings in solidarity with political prisoners”
  • Serdar Ay (INALCO): “Kurdish language and literature politics”
  • Rojda Alaç (EHESS): “Life strategies and redefining the “home”: The case of the Kurdish population displaced in its own region in Turkey”

April 19, 2017
12:00-16:30 | Room A028 (Building A ground floor)

  • Rony Férat and Marina Nebbiolo (Medfil Humanities Institute): “Scores, apartheid, translations into language and history. Reflections from the films of Nurith Aviv”
  • Fabio Mengali (University of Trento): “Zionist colonization in the mirror of European class conflict. The outer war and the inner war”

June 1, 2017
12:00-16:30 | The Hall Room

  • Philippe Rekacewicz (Crosslocations-University of Helsinki / Visionscarto): “Counter-mapping”
  • Collectif Solidarité Femmes Kobanê: “Readings in solidarity with political prisoners”

June 29, 2017
2:00-16:30 | Room C103 (Building C, 1st floor)

  • Aram Taha Ahmed, Hoshman Jalal Mohammed, Rewaz Hama Salih (Sorhawardi Center & Xazalnus Editions): “Ideologies, cultures, religions”
  • Sahar Yazdani (Paris 8 University): “Who is the political subject?”

Open seminar for political studies of the young researchers at LLCP-Paris 8
Contact: contact.seminaire.pogmail.com