3rd Transdisciplinary day


Studies day at the invitation of the Laboratory for studies and research on the Contemporary Logics of Philosophy LLCP-Paris 8 and the Interuniversity Center Experience Cultural Resources Education EXPERICE-Paris 8.

Violence and narrative II
May 4, 2017
10:00-18:00 | Room C103 (Building C, 1st floor)
Paris 8 University
2, Rue de la Liberté – 93526 Saint-Denis


Welcoming of the participants

10:00-12:00 – Discussion I: About an ongoing research by Ann Stoler

  • Ann Stoler (New School for Social Research): “The politics of sentiments”

Discussant: Nacira Guénif Souilamas (Experice-Paris 8)

(Lunch break)

13:00-15:00 – Discussion II: Palestinian studies

  • Ann Stoler (New School for Social Research): “Colonial genealogies in Palestine: a chapter of Duress
  • Tal Dor (Experice-Paris 8): “Trans/forming decolonial militancy in Palestine-Israel”

Discussants: Amir Kianpour (LLCP-Paris 8), Naji El Khatib (Institute of Humanities Medfil)


15:30-17:30 – Discussion III: The many lives of the body

  • Nacira Guénif Souilamas (Experice-Paris 8): “The body-border”

Discussant: Béatrice Rettig (LLCP-Paris 8)

  • Camille Fauroux (CRH-EHESS/Lille 3), Béatrice Rettig (LLCP-Paris 8), Magdalena Brand (Cresppa-CSU): “Readings in solidarity with political prisoners”

17:30 – Closing remarks

Contact: infopolitical-studies.net