Institutional partners:
Laboratory of studies and research on the contemporary logics of philosophy LLCP-Paris 8
Interuniversity center Experience Cultural Resources Education EXPERICE-Paris 8
University of Rojava
Center of kurdish studies of the University of Exeter
Pedagogies of the trace, remembrance, translations, nomadic territorialities-Paris 8
Philological research institute of the National autonomous university of Mexico
UFR Arts Philosophy Aesthetics of Paris 8 University
Philosophy department of Paris 8 University
Research university school (EUR) ArTeC
Decolonizing sexualities network-University of California Berkeley and Paris Cité University
Independant research initiatives:
MedFil Humanities Institute
Porsesh Institute of political and economic studies
Open seminar for political studies of the young researchers at LLCP-Paris 8
Consequences seminar ENS-Paris
Riwaq architectural conservation center
Zochrot non-gouvernemental organization
Periferia epistemológica studies center at the National university of Rosario
Red de la vida onírica at the University of Barcelona
Jineolojî international network
Sensibili alle foglie cooperative
Cultural partners:
Inter-zones Art & Politics
Radiophonic server P-node
Khiasma space Paris-Les Lilas and R22 Radio Tout Monde
Artistic, political and social cooperative La Générale
La Fabrique agitée
Biennale Urbana and Pas-e sound creation studio
Arab Youth Association Haïfa
DOC! Artistic association
Internet services server / Radiophonic server PSN
Louise Michel space